Monday, September 9, 2013

Discussion 1: The Interactive Lecture

Discussion 1: Please post questions and responses to extend or expand on our discussions.
Please take a minute to let me know what you hope to gain from our discussions and how you anticipate it will impact your practice.  In particular, please note  what interests you about the concept of "The Interactive Lecture" and what you hope to learn this year.  Thank you!


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    1. I agree with Melissa's sense of intrigue and suspicion regarding non-student-directed learning. I'm interested in learning new techniques for making lectures engaging for all students. I'm particularly hopeful that I might learn some new ways of engaging my ninth graders through occasional interactive lectures.

  2. I am interested in reading this book (and hearing the thoughts of others in the group) because the idea of an interactive lecture intrigues me. How do we as teachers keep our students engaged when we lecture? How do we incorporate student input during the lecture itself? How does this approach work with keeping all student listeners/participants engaged? I hope I'll learn the answers to these questions and find out more about how interactive lectures can be used effectively as a teaching tool. -- Susan B.

  3. I am interested because I am concerned about how effective and engaging my lectures will be with my sophomores. Are there ways I could incorporate student involvement that I have not thought of? Is there more that I could be doing at all levels?

  4. Since I utilize the "lecture" as a method of relaying new information to my kids, I would like to learn how to best go about using this tool with my kids.

  5. Lectures can be engaging and meaningful, but I have also delivered lectures or sat through lectures that were flat--they presented important information but they did not engage the audience in the process or require higher level thinking. I am interested in this reading as it will (hopefully) offer new ways and methodologies for using the lecture as a powerful tool.

  6. Lecturing has become taboo in the past few years, so when I heard the term, "interactive lecture," I was immediately intrigued. As much as I try to avoid lecturing because of its lack of interest and student-directed learning, I have to use it at times. I'm hoping this new type lecturing will allow me to use it in a different and more effective style.

  7. I am interested in this topic as many of the students with whom I work really struggle with taking information in, in a lecture format. The older I get, the more difficulty I have with this as well! I would like to see what suggestions are made in The Interactive Lecture, how they can be incorporated into a classroom, and then how we can enhance the student learning through small group work in the speech room.

  8. I have had the pleasure of listening to riveting memorable lectures and the misery of listening to deadly, sleep-inducing ones. I'd like to learn how to create the first and avoid the other.
