Monday, December 9, 2013

Are you familiar with TeachingChannel? There are a TON of great ideas here, with videos that show the teaching strategies in action. Here is a protocol that would work in a high school classroom.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Organizing Information with Graphic Organizers and Curation Tools

Content Curation is the act of discovering, gathering, and publishing content on the Web.  Content curation is a great way to stock your blog and class sites with fresh content, while saving time and reaching a broad audience.  The goal of content curation is not to create new content, but to find the most relevant content pertaining to a specific category and funneling this information to readers in a very targeted way.

Below are some tools with links to graphics organizers for you to explore.

Directions to create your own widget for Pinterest go here 
Make sure you copy your Pinterest board link for the widget.

Other - If you have an graphic organizer you would like to share, we have setup a folder  HERE  in google drive so you can add it to the collection or bring it to our next book club.

Below is the the completed organized we worked on last month.  Reseach schows that three elements —repetition, variation, and depth of thought—help us create deep and lasting memories.